Interactive live broadcast

8.1 Create an interactive live broadcast object

Create an XHLiveManager object

The class which the object belongs to needs to implement the ILiveListener interface.
m_pLiveManager = new XHLiveManager(this);

8.2 Callback function description

* Someone has joined the live room to be a broadcaster
* @param liveID live room ID
* @param actorID user ID
virtual void onActorJoined(string liveID, string actorID) = 0;

* Someone has left the live room
* @param liveID live room ID
* @param actorID user ID
virtual void onActorLeft(string liveID, string actorID) = 0;

* Room creator received an application to join the live broadcast
* @param liveID
* @param applyUserID
virtual void onApplyBroadcast(string liveID, string applyUserID) = 0;

* Applicant receives the reply to join the live broadcast
* @param liveID
* @param result
virtual void onApplyResponsed(string liveID, bool bAgree) = 0;

* The viewer received an invitation to join the live broadcast
* @param liveID live room ID
* @param applyUserID the user ID who invites you
virtual void onInviteBroadcast(string liveID, string applyUserID) = 0;

* The room creator received a reply from the user who is being invited
* @param liveID live room ID
* @param result result
virtual void onInviteResponsed(string liveID) = 0;

* Some abnormal conditions may cause the live to go wrong. Please leave the live broadcast after receiving the callback.
* @param liveID live room ID
* @param error error information
virtual void onLiveError(string liveID, string error) = 0;

* The number of members has changed
* @param number
virtual void onMembersUpdated(int number) = 0;

* You are kicked
virtual void onSelfKicked() = 0;

* You are being muted
virtual void onSelfMuted(int seconds) = 0;

* You are forced to stop live.
* @param liveID live room ID
virtual void onCommandToStopPlay(string liveID) = 0;

* Receive a message
* @param message
virtual void onReceivedMessage(CIMMessage* pMessage) = 0;

* Receive a private message
* @param message
virtual void onReceivePrivateMessage(CIMMessage* pMessage) = 0;
virtual int getRealtimeData(string strUserId, uint8_t* data, int len) = 0;
* Receive video data
* @param data
virtual int getVideoRaw(string strUserId, int w, int h, uint8_t* videoData, int videoDataLen) = 0;

8.3 The description of getting a list of live room

The usage without AEC

* Get the live list
void getLiveList()
XHLiveManager::getLiveList("", CHATROOM_LIST_TYPE_LIVE);
After calling this method, the corresponding chatroomQueryAllListOK callback function will be called.
* Save the live room
string strInfo = "{\"id\":\"";
strInfo += strLiveId;
strInfo += "\",\"creator\":\"";
strInfo += m_pUserManager->m_ServiceParam.m_strUserId;
strInfo += "\",\"name\":\"";
strInfo += strName.GetBuffer(0);
strInfo += "\"}";
m_pLiveManager->saveToList(m_pUserManager->m_ServiceParam.m_strUserId, CHATROOM_LIST_TYPE_LIVE, strLiveId, strInfo);

The usage with AEC

* Get the live list
void getLiveList()
list<ChatroomInfo> listData;
CInterfaceUrls::demoRequestLiveList(listData, m_pUserManager);
* Save the live room
string strInfo = "{\"id\":\"";
strInfo += strLiveId;
strInfo += "\",\"creator\":\"";
strInfo += m_pUserManager->m_ServiceParam.m_strUserId;
strInfo += "\",\"name\":\"";
strInfo += strName.GetBuffer(0);
strInfo += "\"}";
CInterfaceUrls::demoSaveToList(m_pUserManager->m_ServiceParam.m_strUserId, CHATROOM_LIST_TYPE_LIVE, strLiveId, strInfo);

8.4 XHVoipManager API Description

* Add getting live list callback function
* @param pChatroomGetListListener
static void addChatroomGetListListener(IChatroomGetListListener* pChatroomGetListListener);
* Get the live list
* @param strUserId user ID
* @param listType list type
static void getLiveList(string strUserId, int listType);

* Set the media type
* @param mediaTypeEnum Audio and video exist at the same time, or only one of them is turned on.
void setRtcMediaType(LIVE_MEDIA_TYPE mediaTypeEnum);

* Create a live room
string createLive(string strName, int chatroomType, int channelType);

* Start a live room
* @param liveID live room ID
bool startLive(string liveID);

* Watch the live room
* @param liveID live room ID
bool watchLive(string liveID);

* Audience apply to be a broadcaster
* @param toID The creater ID
void applyToBroadcaster(string toID);

* The creater agrees to be a broadcaster
* @param toID The user who the creater agrees to be a broadcaster
void agreeApplyToBroadcaster(string toID);

* The creater refuses someone to be a broadcaster
* @param toID The user who the creater refuses to be a broadcaster
void refuseApplyToBroadcaster(string toID);

* The creater invites someone to be a broadcaster
* @param toID the Invitee ID
void inviteToBroadcaster(string toID);

* The audience has agreed to be a broadcaster
* @param toID Inviter ID
void agreeInviteToBroadcaster(string toID);

* The audience has refused to be a broadcaster
* @param toID Inviter ID
void refuseInviteToBroadcaster(string toID);

* Stop to be a broadcaster
* @param toID someone who will be stopped to be a broadcaster
void commandToAudience(string toID);

* Leave the live room
void leaveLive();

* Switch to the big video preview
* @param userID the user ID which will be switched
void changeToBig(string userID);

* Switch to the small video preview
* @param userID the user ID which will be switched
void changeToSmall(string userID);

* Dynamically switch audio:the audio can be switched at any time during the live broadcast, and the status is automatically reset after the live broadcast ends.
void setAudioEnable(bool bEnable);

* Dynamically switch video:the video can be switched at any time during the live broadcast, and the status is automatically reset after the live broadcast ends.
void setVideoEnable(bool bEnable);

* Send a message
* @param message message
* @return Return the sent message object
CIMMessage* sendMessage(string strMessage);

* Send a private message
* Private messages can only be received by the target user
* @param message message
* @param toID Target user ID
* @return Return the sent message object
CIMMessage* sendPrivateMessage(string toID, string strMessage);

* Mute somebody in the live room
* @param chatroomID meeting room ID
* @param memberID the member who is mute
* @param muteSeconds mute time
bool muteMember(string liveId, string memberID, int muteSeconds);

* Unmute somebody in the live room
* @param chatroomID meeting room ID
* @param memberID the member who is unmute
* @param callback Result callback
bool unMuteMember(string liveId, string memberID);

* Kick out users in the meeting room
* @param chatroomID chatroom ID
* @param memberID the member who is being kicked out
bool kickMember(string liveId, string memberID);

* Save the live room to the list
* @param userId
* @param type
* @param meetingId
* @param data
bool saveToList(string userId, int type, string liveId, string data);

* Delete the live room from the list
* @param userId userId
* @param type type
* @param meetingId meetingId
void deleteFromList(string userId, int type, string liveId);

* Push RTMP stream
* @param rtmpurl Push address
void pushRtmp(string rtmpurl);

* Stop pushing RTMP stream
void stopPushRtmp();

* Insert audio data
* @param audioData
* @param dataLen
void insertAudioRaw(uint8_t* audioData, int dataLen);

* Insert video data
* @param videoData
* @param dataLen
* @param isBig
void insertVideoRaw(uint8_t* videoData, int dataLen, int isBig);

* Crop the video data
int cropVideoRawNV12(int w, int h, uint8_t* videoData, int dataLen, int yuvProcessPlan, int rotation, int needMirror, uint8_t* outVideoDataBig, uint8_t* outVideoDataSmall);

* Query the audio data
void querySoundData(uint8_t** pData, int* nLength);