
error code description
110000 success
110001 internal error
111001 AEC authentication failed
111002 AEC url connection failed
111003 parsing error of json format which returned by AEC
111004 Failed to get guardToken and aec url
112001 sendToMoonServer error
112002 User name is too long
112003 Username does not match rules like appid_userid
112004 User has not logged in when verify
112005 The starToken provided does not match when verify
112006 loginMoonServer is overloaded
112007 Failed to get aecUrl and guardToken for this agent
112008 Failed to connect to the star service
112009 Analysis error of agent login authentication address which is returned by the star service
112010 Failed to connect to the agent login authentication service
112011 Verification failed of agent service
113001 Content is too long
113002 The HTTP request has no path
113003 Path format error
113004 Parsing Error of POST Content
113005 POST parameter number error
113006 POST parameter error
113007 Unsupported protocol format
120001 Repeat login, kicked off the line
120002 retry to send messages for multiple times without feedback protocol, so disconnect from the server actively
120003 Send error when socket write
120004 Protocol content is too long
120005 EPOLL Event Error
120006 EPOLL read error
120007 Parsing error of msgServer top-level protocol
120008 Parsing error of msgServer action protocol
120009 According to the return of scheduleServer, this user is no longer accepted by this msgServer, please regain the msgServer address
120010 Login authentication Failed
120011 No permission
121001 Repeat login, kicked off the line
121002 retry to send messages for multiple times without feedback protocol, so disconnect from the server actively
121003 Send error when socket write
121004 Protocol content is too long
121005 EPOLL Event Error
121006 EPOLL read error
121007 Parsing error of top-level protocol
121008 Parsing error of action protocol
121009 According to the return of scheduleServer, this user is no longer accepted by this msgServer, please regain the msgServer address
121010 No permission
121011 Check login failed
121012 AEC parameter acquisition failed
121013 AEC authentication connection failed
121014 AEC authentication failed
121015 Chat room already exists
121016 Chat room number synchronization error
121017 The number of chat rooms is over limit
121018 Chat room link error
121019 Parsing Error of Chat room type
122001 This groupId has not yet synchronized the group member list. The server SDK received this reply to tell the user that the previous operation failed and immediately sent the SYNC protocol to groupProxy. When the client receives this reply, it indicates that the group information is failed to be sent, you can wait for a few seconds and retry
122002 The group members of this groupId are being synchronized, the server SDK will receive it, and will not do any processing after receiving it. It tells the user that the previous operation failed
122003 This user is not in the specified group
122004 sendToMoonServer error
122005 Failed to connect the interface of verification agent identity information
122006 AgentToken or ipaddress fails authentication when agent sends group change information,
122007 Parsing error of agent data
122008 The groupPushMoonServer is overloaded
122009 Encryption type error
130001 All live src servers is overloaded
130002 Authorization verification failed
130003 Failed to connect the interface of verification agent identity information
130004 Failed to get agent guardToken
130005 Get agent guardToken data error
130006 Protocol parsing error
130007 Username format error
130008 The specified number of users exceeded
130009 No corresponding channelId found
130010 The number of connected users exceeds the limit
130011 Broadcast users have no permissions
130012 The audio and video parameters when applying for upload are inconsistent with the first application
130013 Repeat Login
130014 The groupId attribute is not found on the specified channel
130015 Login server verification failed
130016 Channel off
131001 All live vdn servers overloaded
131002 channelId format parsing error
131003 Internal error, user needs to retry
131004 Protocol Parsing Error
131005 vdnServer is disconnected from srcServer
131006 Repeat Login
131007 Failed to get channel from liveSrc
131008 Insufficient balance
131009 No tickets purchased
131010 Tickets have expired
131011 The number of people on this channel is over limit
140001 Parsing error of VOIP protocol
140002 VOIP login failed
140003 Pairing information error
140004 Initialization failed of player decoding module
140005 Insufficient balance of initiator
140006 Insufficient balance of recipient
140007 The other party is disconnected
150001 POST parameter error
150002 Send to moonServer error
150003 ScheduleProxy failed to send to scheduleXmlParse
150004 sendToMoonServer error
160001 Chatroom Dispatch IO Failure