Interactive live broadcast

9.1 Get an XHLiveManager instance and add a live event listener

XHLiveManager liveManager = XHClient.getInstance().getLiveManager(this);
liveManager.addListener(new IXHLiveManagerListener() {
public void onActorJoined(String liveID, String actorID) {
// Someone has joined the live room

public void onActorLeft(String liveID, String actorID) {
//Someone has left the live room

public void onApplyBroadcast(String liveID, String applyUserID) {
//Room creator received an application to join the live room

public void onApplyResponsed(String liveID, XHConstants.XHLiveJoinResult result) {
//Applicant receives the reply to join the live broadcast

public void onInviteBroadcast(String liveID, String applyUserID) {
// The viewer received an invitation to join the live stream

public void onInviteResponsed(String liveID, XHConstants.XHLiveJoinResult result) {
// The room creator received a reply from the user who is being invited

public void onLiveError(String liveID, String error) {
// Some abnormal conditions may cause the live to go wrong

public void onMembersUpdated(int membersNumber) {
//he number of members has changed

public void onSelfKicked() {
// You are kicked You are kicked

public void onSelfMuted(int seconds) {
//You are muted

public void onCommandToStopPlay(String liveID) {
//You are forced to stop live.

public void onReceivedMessage(XHIMMessage message) {
// Receive a message

public void onReceivePrivateMessage(XHIMMessage message) {
// Receive a private message

public void onReceiveRealtimeData(byte[] data, String upId) {
//Receive real-time data

9.2 XHLiveManager API Description

* Add the live event listener
* @param liveManagerListener IXHLiveManagerListener Receive live event related events
void addListener(IXHLiveManagerListener liveManagerListener);

* Set the media type
* @param mediaTypeEnum Audio and video exist at the same time, or only one of them is turned on.
void setRtcMediaType(XHConstants.XHRtcMediaTypeEnum mediaTypeEnum);

* Create a live room
* @param liveItem XHLiveItem Specify the Live name and type
* @param callback Result callback
void createLive(XHLiveItem liveItem,IXHResultCallback callback);

* start a live room
* @param liveID live room ID
* @param callback Result callback. The sessionid will be returned upon success, which is used for query of recording records on the server.
void startLive(String liveID,IXHResultCallback callback);

* watch the live room
* @param liveID live room ID
* @param callback Result callback
void watchLive(String liveID,IXHResultCallback callback);

* A view that specifies the display for the meeting participants
* @param userID User ID
* @param player StarPlayer for displaying the view
* @param isBig Set whether to display a large image of the anchor
void attachPlayerView(String userID,StarPlayer player,Boolean isBig);

* Audience apply to be an broadcaster
* @param toID The broadcaster ID
void applyToBroadcaster(String toID);

* The creater agrees to be a broadcaster
* @param toID the user who the creater agrees to be a broadcaster
void agreeApplyToBroadcaster(String toID);

* The creater refuses to be a broadcaster
* @param toID the user who the creater agrees to be a broadcaster
void refuseApplyToBroadcaster(String toID);

* the creater invites someone to be a broadcaster
* @param toID the Invitee ID
void inviteToBroadcaster(String toID);

* The audience has agreed to be a broadcaster
* @param toID Inviter ID
void agreeInviteToBroadcaster(String toID);

* The audience has refused to be a broadcaster
* @param toID Inviter ID
void refuseInviteToBroadcaster(String toID);

* stop to be a broadcaster
* @param toID someone who will be stopped to be a broadcaster
void commandToAudience (String toID);

* A broadcaster changes to be an audience
void changeToAudience(IXHResultCallback callback);

* A broadcaster changes to be an audience
* @param callback Result callback. The sessionid will be returned upon success, which is used for query of recording records on the server.
void changeToBroadcaster(IXHResultCallback callback);

* Leave the live room
* @param callback result callback
void leaveLive(IXHResultCallback callback);

* Switch camera direction
void switchCamera();

* Switch camera direction
* @param cameraId Specified camera ID
void switchCamera(int cameraId);

* Switch to the big video preview
* @param userID Switch to the large image of the user ID
void changeToBig(String userID);

* Switch to the small video preview
* @param userID Switch to the small image of the user ID
void changeToSmall(String userID);

* Dynamically switch audio:the audio can be switched at any time during the live broadcast, and the status is automatically reset after the live broadcast ends.
void setAudioEnable(Boolean enable);

* Dynamically switch video:the video can be switched at any time during the live broadcast, and the status is automatically reset after the live broadcast ends.
void setVideoEnable(Boolean enable);

* send a message
* @param message message
* @param callback Result callback
* @return Return the sent message object
XHIMMessage sendMessage(String message, IXHResultCallback callback);

* Send a private message
* Private messages can only be received by the target user
* @param message message
* @param toID Target user ID
* @param callback Result callback
* @return Return the sent message object
XHIMMessage sendPrivateMessage(String toID, String message, IXHResultCallback callback);

* mute somebody in the live room
* @param memberID the member who is mute
* @param muteSeconds mute time
* @param callback Result callback
void muteMember(String memberID, int muteSeconds, IXHResultCallback callback);

* unmute somebody in the live room
* @param memberID the member who is unmute
* @param callback Result callback
void unMuteMember(String memberID,IXHResultCallback callback);

* kick out users in the live room
* @param memberID the member who is being kicked out
* @param callback Result callback
void kickMember(String memberID, IXHResultCallback callback);

* Push RTMP stream
* @param rtmpurl Push address
* @param callback Result callback
void pushRtmp(String rtmpurl,IXHResultCallback callback);

* Stop pushing RTMP stream
* @param callback Result callback
void stopPushRtmp(IXHResultCallback callback);

* Set recorder
* @param recorder
void setRecorder(IXHRecorder recorder);

* Switch recorder
* @param recorder
void resetRecorder(IXHRecorder recorder);

* Send the real-time data
* @param data data array
void sendRealtimeData(byte[] data);