VOIP (one-to-one) event notification
1 Apply for a voip call
{"action" : "AEC_VOIP_USER_ONLINE","userId":"xxx","userId2":"xxx","time":"xxx"} |
The userId requests a voip audio and video call with userId2. It returns 1 means allowing the call, and returns 0 means rejecting.
time: Seconds since January 1, 1970
2 The Voip call is in progress, which is called every 1 minute
{"action" : "AEC_VOIP_USER_PLAYING","userId":"xxx","userId2":"xxx","time" : "xxxx"} |
UserId and userId2 are making a voip call, and this event is called once every minute, which can be used for timing and deduction system.
time: Seconds since January 1, 1970
3 Voip hangs up
{"action" : "AEC_VOIP_USER_HANGUP","userId":"xxx","userId2":"xxx","hangupUserId":"xxx","time":"xxx"} |
UserId finishes the voip audio and video call with the userId2.
hangupUserId: It indicates that the user who hangs up the call,