Online user list

There are two ways to get the total number of online users and online user list (with pagination), which will be cleared after the server restarts.

//Get the total number of online users
XHClient.getInstance().getAliveUserNum(new IXHResultCallback() {
public void success(Object data) {
//{"userCount":7,"totalPageNum":1} the Total number is 2, and the total page number is 1

public void failed(String errMsg) {

//Get online user list (with pagination)
XHClient.getInstance().getAliveUserList(1,new IXHResultCallback() {
public void success(Object data) {
//{"totalPageNum":1,"reqPageNum":1,"userIdList":"944389,186434,944758,651315,924437,747396,380156"} the total number is 1, the current page number is 1, and the id list is separated by comma.

public void failed(String errMsg) {