StarRtc.StarRoomSDK.sigConnect = function ()
/** * Disconnect to the super room * @param flag The flag of Whether to disconnect actively, which is used to determine reconnection */ StarRtc.StarRoomSDK.sigDisconnect = function (_flag)
/** * Create a local video stream * @param streamOption Stream configuration(Resolution, etc.),such as{ "video": true, "audio": { deviceId: { ideal: ["default"] } } }, or{ "video": { width: { ideal: 640 }, height: { ideal: 480 }, frameRate: { ideal: 25 }, facingMode: { ideal: ["user"] } }, "audio": { deviceId: { ideal: ["default"] } } } */ StarRtc.StarRoomSDK.createStream = function (streamOption)
/** * Create a shared screen video stream */ StarRtc.StarRoomSDK.createScreenCaptureStream = function ()
/** * Set the visibility of the stream (It will affect both local and far peer streams) * @param config Stream visibility configuration{"video":true, "audio":true} */ StarRtc.StarRoomSDK.publishStream = function (config)
/** * join the room */ StarRtc.StarRoomSDK.joinRoom = function ()
/** * leave the room * @param _flag Whether to leave the roomactively(optional) */ StarRtc.StarRoomSDK.leaveRoom = function (_flag)
/** * Send voip message(IM one-to-one chat message) * @param msg message */ StarRtc.StarRoomSDK.sendVoipMsg = function (msg)
/** * Get the disconnect satus:active or passive? StarRtc.StarRoomSDK.activeDisconnect = function()