Super room

12.1 Get XHSuperRoomManage instance and add the XHSuperRoomManagerDelegate event protocol function.

[[XHClient sharedClient].superRoomManager addDelegate:self];

Someone has joined the super room
@param uid user ID
@param liveID live room ID
@return view for displaying the video of the joiner
- (UIView *)onActorJoined:(NSString *)uid live:(NSString *)liveID

Someone has left the super room

@param uid user ID
@param liveID live room ID
- (void)onActorLeft:(NSString *)uid live:(NSString *)liveID

Some abnormal conditions may cause the live to go wrong. Please leave the live broadcast after receiving the callback.
@param error error information
@param liveID super room ID
- (void)onSuperRoomError:(NSError *)error live:(NSString *)liveID

The number of members has changed

@param membersNumber Number of members
- (void)liveMembersNumberUpdated:(NSInteger)membersNumber

You are kicked
- (void)liveUserKicked

* you are being muted
* @param seconds the mute time
- (void)onSelfMuted:(NSInteger) seconds

*You are forced to stop live.
@param liveID super room ID
- (void)onCommandToStopPlay:(NSString *)liveID

receive a message

@param message message
- (void)liveMessageReceived:(NSString *)message fromID:(NSString *)fromID
receive a private message

@param message message
@param fromID message sender
- (void)livePrivateMessageReceived:(NSString *)message fromID:(NSString *)fromID

* Receive real-time data
* @param data data
* @param upId user ID
- (void)onReceiveRealtimeData:(NSString *)data
upId:(NSString *)upId

12.2 XHSuperRoomManager API Description

Set video parameters

@param config parameters
- (void)setVideoConfig:(XHVideoConfig *)config;

Set callback delegate

@param delegate delegate
- (void)addDelegate:(id<XHSuperRoomManagerDelegate>)delegate;

* set media type
* @param mediaType type
- (void)setRtcMediaType:(XHRtcMediaTypeEnum) mediaType;

Create a super room

@param liveItem the super room information
@param completion callback
- (void)createSuperRoom:(XHSuperRoomItem *) superRoomItem completion:(void(^)(NSString *liveID, NSError *error))completion;

* Join the super room
* @param roomID super room ID
* @param completion callback
- (void)joinSuperRoom:(NSString *)liveID completion:(void(^)(NSError *error))completion;

* Stop speaking
* @param completion callback
- (void)layDownMic:(void(^)(NSError *error))completion;

* Apply for a speech
* @param completion callback
- (void)pickUpMic:(void(^)(NSError *error))completion;

* Leave the super room
* @param completion callback
- (void)leaveSuperRoom:(void(^)(NSError *error))completion;

stop to be an anchor

@param toID the user ID who is being stopped to be an anchor
@param completion callback
- (void)commandToAudience:(NSString *)toID
completion:(void(^)(NSError *error))completion;

Switch camera direction

@return Camera orientation after switching
- (XHCameraDirection)switchCamera;

Switch to the big video preview

@param view the preview which will be switched
- (void)changeToBig:(UIView *)view;

Switch to the small video preview
@param view the preview which will be switched
- (void)changeToSmall:(UIView *)view;


@param message 消息
@param completion 回调
- (void)sendMessage:(NSString *)message completion:(void(^)(NSError *error))completion;

send a message

@param message message
@param completion callback
- (void)sendMessage:(NSString *)message completion:(void(^)(NSError *error))completion;

send a private message

@param message message
@param toID receiver ID
@param completion callback
- (void)sendMessage:(NSString *)message toID:(NSString *)toID completion:(void(^)(NSError *error))completion;

mute somebody in the live room

@param member the member who is mute
@param seconds mute time
@param liveId live room id
@param completion callback
- (void)muteMember:(NSString *)member
fromLive:(NSString *)liveId
completion:(void(^)(NSError *error))completion;

unmute somebody in the chatroom

@param member the member who is unmute
@param liveId live room id
@param completion callback
- (void)unMuteMember:(NSString *)member
fromLive:(NSString *)liveId
completion:(void(^)(NSError *error))completion;

kick a member

@param member the member who is kicked
@param liveId live room id
@param completion callback
- (void)kickMember:(NSString *)member
fromLive:(NSString *)liveId
completion:(void(^)(NSError *error))completion;

* Switch audio
@param enable switch
- (void)setAudioEnable:(BOOL) enable;

* Switch video
@param enable switch
- (void)setVideoEnable:(BOOL) enable;

* Save the super room to the list
* @param userId user ID
* @param type type
* @param liveId super room ID
* @param info super room information
* @param completion callback
-(void)saveToList:(NSString *)userId
type:(NSInteger) type
liveId:(NSString *) liveId
info:(NSString *)info
completion:(void(^)(NSError *error))completion;

* Query the super room list
* @param userId user ID
* @param type type
* @param completion callback
- (void)querySuperRoomList:(NSString *)userId
type:(NSString *)type
completion:(void(^)(NSString *listInfo, NSError *error))completion;

* delete from the super room list
* @param liveId super room ID
* @param listType list type
* @param completion callback
- (void)deleteFromSuperRoomList:(NSString *)liveId
completion:(void(^)(NSError *error))completion;