Chat room message

5.1 Create a chat room

Create a CChatroomManager object
Add callback function pointer
Add getting chat room list callback function pointer

The class which the object belongs to needs to implement the IChatroomManagerListener interface and the IChatroomGetListListener interface.
m_pChatroomManager = new XHChatroomManager(this);

5.2 The description of getting chat room list

The usage without AEC

* Get the chat room list
void getChatroomList()
XHChatroomManager::getChatroomList("", CHATROOM_LIST_TYPE_CHATROOM);
After calling this method, the corresponding chatroomQueryAllListOK callback function will be called.
* Save the chat room
string strInfo = "{\"id\":\"";
strInfo += strRoomId;
strInfo += "\",\"creator\":\"";
strInfo += m_pUserManager->m_ServiceParam.m_strUserId;
strInfo += "\",\"name\":\"";
strInfo += dlg.m_strRoomName.GetBuffer(0);
strInfo += "\"}";
m_pChatroomManager->saveToList(m_pUserManager->m_ServiceParam.m_strUserId, CHATROOM_LIST_TYPE_CHATROOM, strRoomId, strInfo);

* Delete the chat room

The usage with AEC

* Get the chat room list
void getChatroomList()
list<ChatroomInfo> listData;
CInterfaceUrls::demoRequestChatroomList(listData, m_pUserManager);

* Save the chat room
string strInfo = "{\"id\":\"";
strInfo += strRoomId;
strInfo += "\",\"creator\":\"";
strInfo += m_pUserManager->m_ServiceParam.m_strUserId;
strInfo += "\",\"name\":\"";
strInfo += dlg.m_strRoomName.GetBuffer(0);
strInfo += "\"}";
CInterfaceUrls::demoSaveToList(m_pUserManager->m_ServiceParam.m_strUserId, CHATROOM_LIST_TYPE_CHATROOM, strRoomId, strInfo);

* Delete the chat room
CInterfaceUrls::demoDeleteFromList(m_pUserManager->m_ServiceParam.m_strUserId, CHATROOM_LIST_TYPE_CHATROOM, dlg.m_strContent.GetBuffer(0));

5.3 Callback function description

* Get the chat room list
* @param the chat room list
virtual int chatroomQueryAllListOK(list<ChatroomInfo>& listData);
* The number of chatroom members has changed
* @param number the number
virtual void onMembersUpdated(int number);

* You are removed from the current chatroom
virtual void onSelfKicked();

* You are being mute
virtual void onSelfMuted(int seconds);

* Notification of the chatroom close
virtual void onClosed();

* Receive a chatroom message
* @param message message
virtual void onReceivedMessage(CIMMessage* pMessage);

* Receive a chatroom private message
* @param message message
virtual void onReceivePrivateMessage(CIMMessage* pMessage);

5.4 CChatroomManager API Description

* Add the callback function pointer after getting the group list
* @param pChatroomGetListListener Callback function pointer
static void addChatroomGetListListener(IChatroomGetListListener* pChatroomGetListListener);

* Get the chat room list
* @param pUserManager User information
* @param listType type
static void getChatroomList(string strUserId, int listType);

* Create a chatroom
* @param strName name
* @param chatroomType type
* @return chatroom id
string createChatRoom(string strName, int chatroomType);

* delete the chatroom
* @param strChatroomId the chatroom ID which will be deleted
bool deleteChatRoom(string strRoomId);

* Join the chatroom
* @param strChatroomId the chatroom ID which will be added
bool joinChatRoom(string strChatroomId);

* Exit the chatroom
* @param strChatroomId the chatroom ID which will be exited
bool exitChatroom(string strChatroomId);

* mute somebody in the chatroom
* @param strChatroomId chatroom ID
* @param strMemberId the member who is being muted
* @param muteSeconds mute time(Unit: second)
bool muteMember(string strChatroomId, string strMemberId, int muteSeconds);

* unmute somebody in the chatroom
* @param chatroomID chatroom ID
* @param memberID the member who is being unmuted
bool unMuteMember(string strChatroomId, string strMemberId);

* kick out users in the chatroom
* @param chatroomID chatroom ID
* @param memberID the member who is being kicked out
bool kickMember(string chatroomID, string memberID);

* Send a message
* @param strMsg message
CIMMessage* sendMessage(string strMsg);

* Send a private message
* @param toUserId receiver id
* @param msgData message data
CIMMessage* sendPrivateChat(string toUserId, char* msgData);

/**(only for private deployments)
* Save the chat roomn to the list
* @param userId user ID
* @param type list type
* @param chatroomId
* @param data
bool saveToList(string userId, int type, string chatroomId, string data);

* Delete the chat room from the list
* @param userId user ID
* @param chatroomId chatroom ID
void deleteFromList(string userId, int type, string chatroomId);
* Check the number of online users in the chatroom
bool getOnlineNumber(string strChatroomId);

* get current chatroom id
* @return Chatroom id
string getChatroomId();