One-to-one video call (VOIP)

6.1 Create VOIP
Create a CVoipManager object
Add the callback function pointer

The class which the object belongs to needs to implement the IVoipManagerListener interface.
m_pVoipManager = new XHVoipManager(this);

6.2 Callback function description

* The called party responses
* The called party receives the call from the calling party
* @param fromID
virtual void onCalling(string fromID);

* The receiver responses the audio call
* The called party receives the audio call from the calling party
* @param fromID
virtual void onAudioCalling(string fromID);

* The called party responses
* The calling party hangs up before the called party answers (the call is cancelled)
* @param fromID
virtual void onCancled(string fromID);

* The calling party response
* The called party refused to connect (the call was refused)
* @param fromID
virtual void onRefused(string fromID);

* The calling party response
* The called party is busy (the other party is in a call)
* @param fromID
virtual void onBusy(string fromID);

* Missed calls during a call
virtual void onMiss(CIMMessage* pMsg);

* The calling party response
* The called party is connected (the call is starting)
* @param fromID
virtual void onConnected(string fromID);

* The other party has hung up
* @param fromID
virtual void onHangup(string fromID);

* voip error
* @param errorCode
virtual void onError(string errorCode);

* Receive real-time data
* @param data
virtual void onReceiveRealtimeData(uint8_t* data, int length);

* Receive video data
* @param data
virtual int getVideoRaw(string strUserId, int w, int h, uint8_t* videoData, int videoDataLen);

* Data transfer mode has changed
* @param state
virtual void onTransStateChanged(int state);

6.3 XHVoipManager API Description

* Set the media type (audio and video, audio, video)
* @param mediaTypeEnum media type
void setRtcMediaType(int mediaTypeEnum);

* Get the media type(audio and video, audio, video)
int getRtcMediaType();

* The calling party call the function
* Start a video call
* @param strTargetId The called user ID
bool call(string strTargetId);

* The calling call the function
* Start an audio call
* @param strTargetId 对方ID
bool audioCall(string strTargetId);

* The calling call the function
* Before the other party answers or rejects, the calling party cancels the call actively.
void cancel();

* It is called by the called party
* Agree to talk to the calling party
* @param fromID
void accept(string fromID);

* It is called by the called party
* Refuse to talk to the calling party
void refuse();

* Both sieds can call the function
* hangup
void hangup(int isActive);

* Insert audio data
* @param audioData
* @param dataLen
void insertAudioRaw(uint8_t* audioData, int dataLen);
* Insert video data
* @param videoData
* @param dataLen
* @param isBig
void insertVideoRaw(uint8_t* videoData, int dataLen, int isBig);
* Crop the video data
int cropVideoRawNV12(int w, int h, uint8_t* videoData, int dataLen, int yuvProcessPlan, int rotation, int needMirror, uint8_t* outVideoDataBig, uint8_t* outVideoDataSmall);
* Query the audio data
void querySoundData(uint8_t** pData, int* nLength);